Dental implants in Madrid

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Written by
Dr. Jaime Jiménez García
Expert in Dental Implants

Implants are titanium fixtures that are placed in the maxilla or mandible to replace damaged or missing teeth. This system is a fixed, final and most innovative option to replace teeth for life. The CIRO Clinic is one of the pioneering centers in the world and certainly in Spain (since 1984) in this type of techniques, obtaining excellent results with a high success rate, and being a very safe and effective medical and surgical treatment.

Thirteen years later, in 1997, Dr. Vicente Jimenez Lopez, began using the technique of immediate loading. In this case, at the same stage in which the implants are placed, the patient goes to a fixed prosthesis and screws to be placed in the same appointment, provided the patient meets appropriate clinical requirements.

With the success of the results, the doctor wrote and published the book “Immediate loading” which served as a reference point for many professionals. His success was such that it was translated into French, English, German and Portuguese, and new editions are planned.

Referents in dental implantology in Madrid  

At CIRO Clinic we are specialists in dental implants in Madrid, obtaining excellent results with a high success rate. Our team of professionals will perform an examination, a complete radiological study to study the state of the alveolar bone, as well as models of the mouth using CAD/CAM registration that allows a previous simulation of the treatment.

If dental implants are the most suitable option, you will be informed of the treatments and their planning. The surgery is performed in our dental clinic in Madrid on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia, offering the possibility of conscious sedation for those patients who wish it.

At CIRO Clinic we perform minimally invasive interventions, reducing to a minimum the aggression of the tissues when placing dental implants. Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology we use, we manage to optimize the result and eliminate postoperative discomfort to improve the quality of life of our patients.

Advantages of dental implants

  • It is the safest option to replace missing teeth.
  • In 90% of cases, dental implants have a longevity of more than 20 years, being a long-term solution.
  • It improves the patient’s quality of life. Implants not only restore dental functionality, but also increase self-esteem and confidence.
  • It helps prevent maxillofacial bone loss, preserving the bone structure and, therefore, helping to prevent other more serious oral problems in the future.
  • For patients who need full dentures, dental implants are much more comfortable compared to removable dentures.
  • Made of 100% biocompatible materials, our implants minimize the risk of rejection and promote optimal integration with the surrounding bone.
  • Dental implant placement is a painless procedur Patients feel no discomfort and the postoperative period is very bearable.

How is a dental implant placed?

The placement of an implant is a meticulous task that must always be adapted to the characteristics and oral conditions of each patient. As experts in dental implants in Madrid, at CIRO Clinic we carry out a completely personalized study and planning for each case.

  • Diagnosis: Before undergoing any dental implant intervention, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis to determine the state of the bone and gum, as well as the occlusion, and evaluate whether it is feasible to place the implant.
  • Previous treatments, if necessary: Depending on the state of the patient’s mouth, it will be necessary to carry out a previous treatment in order to correct ailments or improve the state of the mouth.
  • Surgical intervention: The implant is placed in a simple and painless procedure under local anesthesia. In addition, if the patient suffers from fear or anxiety, we can perform the procedure under conscious sedation.
  • Prosthesis placement: In some occasions we can place the provisional prosthesis in the same intervention as the dental implant, later the definitive prosthesis will be placed.

Immediate loading of dental implants

Immediate loading is a dental technique that allows a provisional prosthesis to be placed on the dental implant the same day the patient undergoes implant surgery.

Immediate loading also allows the patient to enjoy their new smile in a single day, ensuring the same shape, color and size as their natural teeth. This provides multiple aesthetic, functional and psychological advantages.

Dr. Jaime Jiménez García is an expert in this dental implant treatment in Madrid.

Dental Implant Clinical Cases

Dr. Jaime Jiménez García
Dental Implant Specialist
CIRO Clinic Medical Director
International Speaker in Implantology

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We are specialists in dental implants in Madrid, with more than 40 years of experience, as well as pioneers in Spain in the performance of this treatment.

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Dr. Jaime Jiménez is an International Speaker in Implantology and has given numerous conferences in Congresses around the world.

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The CIRO Clinic is one of the few dental clinics in Spain that is qualified year after year with the demanding ISO 9001 certificate.

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CIRO Clinic is open continuously on Mondays from 9:30 am to 20:00 pm, on Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 19:00 pm, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 20:00 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 19:00 pm.

Claves por que elegir a la Clinica Ciro para llevar a cabo un tratamiento de Implante dental en Madrid

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